Welcome to Freedom To The Nations School of Ministry!
Do you know in your spirit that you were created for more? Have you been longing for someone to show you how to flow in the supernatural and move in miracles? Do you feel called to ministry and don’t know where to start?
Our vision: To raise up men and women ministry leaders and the body of Christ for works of ministry through teaching the Word and demonstration of God’s supernatural power through miracles, signs, and wonders.
Our model: He is a personal and relational God who truly loves his people. He had a ministry of compassion and cared for the well-being of the whole person. He brought healing to the heart, emotions, mind, and spirit. He also lived a life of intimacy with the Father and Holy Spirit and ministered in power and miracles.
This program is for you: Are you hungry to flow in the gifts of the Spirit and live a supernatural life? Then, this program is for you. We are here to equip full-time ministers and everyday believers. Christ called us all to live supernatural lives wherever we go.
You are not alone: We are here to support your journey into the supernatural. We’ll equip you to flow in the gifts of the Spirit, develop leadership character, walk-in intimacy with the Holy Spirit and implement Jesus’s model of ministry in your everyday life.
Build your faith: By praying for others through laying on of hands, moving in deliverance, prophesy, and more.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed…” (Jesus, Luke 4:18)
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For any questions, email us at som@freedomtothenations.org